
an illustrated novel

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter12 Shadowlanding

The ride down to the Shadowlands was quick. Vinny was psyched up, not only to see Sansaa again but also to be bringing Tommy along. Tommy and Sansaa knew one another from before, but they hadn't seen one another since Sansaa had left Vinny. Sansaa had been with Vinny when the brothers would party, but rarely joined in, and never with the JumpJuice. She preferred smoking. The tobacco was more like pot than cigarette tobacco but rarely came in anything but pure, high-grade varieties, nothing dirty or dry and nobody wasted your time with shake. No one bothered. With JumpJuice on the market, pot was basically legal, really cheap and packed a buzz that would kick ass like Diesel or Gravity. However, since Sansaa had joined the community of the Shadowlands, beginning her journey to become a Leocrite, she had abandoned all such activity, seeking pure mindfulness, enlightenment and a totally different form of euphoria.

Upon their arrival, both men were immediately greeted by more than a dozen men and women, among them stood Sansaa. She did not lead nor was she subservient to any around her. They all seemed equally excited at the prospect of guests and most acted as though they knew Vinny, some addressing him by name while others nodded or smiled with friendliness. Vinny smiled in return, bowed his head and made his way to Sansaa whom he kissed rather passionately to Blue's surprise. Even more surprising was the reaction of the others who smiled even more widely, some of them laughing while all applauded as if they were witness to a momentous act. Blue was particularly impressed by the scene because he knew that none of the residents of the Shadowlands had been told of their impending arrival, yet they were clearly waiting as if anticipating his arrival with Vinny. After a long kiss, Vinny stepped back from Sansaa and motioned toward Tommy, presenting him to Sansaa and the group.

"I am very pleased to be joined by my brother." Of course, you know him already Sansaa, but he is a stranger to the rest of you" Vinny suddenly stopped as Sansaa lifted her hand as if to ask for his silence, as an older man, eyes sparkling, smiling a nearly toothless smile stepped forward.

"Have you brought it with you?" He said kindly,"the crystal, Tommy, sorry, of course you have." He corrected himself, nearly laughing at his own behavior."You may need to stay a little longer than you had planned. Excuse me once again, you don't really have time, do you, no, of course you don't, many worlds to explore, people to be, habits to break both yours and others. Still. I am sure you are not in such a hurry that you couldn't do with a cold drink or perhaps a bit of ice cream?" The old man turned and walked toward a small hut made of rocks, branches, mud and something that looked a little like glass but different. As he did, without looking back, he gently urged the men to follow him with the flick of a couple of fingers, over his shoulder.

Blue reached his hand down into his pocket to feel for the crystal. It was there and as he touched it, the warmth flowed through it and up into his arm. He was worried at how much the old man seemed to know.

"Don't be Blue, Tommy," the old man said as they walked closer behind him,"You and Vinny will have a most enjoyable visit and no harm will come to either of you.

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