
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter 12 Shadowlanding in the hut of Mojahdii empty-handed

Tommy was absolutely stunned as he felt the weight of the crystal evaporate with its light. The men and women who had assembled in the hut of Mojahdii were speechless, fainting, crying and looking on in disbelief, their faces contorted with mental anguish, their bodies rolling up into little balls or writhing in the agony of despair. Mojahdii stood close to Tommy, smiling, almost laughing as he said,"Shedavah, it truly is, nothing could be more certain, and you have certainly made the right choice to visit us at this time, Thomas Azure Levito. We can all be grateful to your brother, Vincent for guiding you to us at this critical time. There is nothing that occurs without purpose just as surely as there is nothing that lives without love." The old man's eyes telling Blue, once again, that he knew his true identity perhaps even better than he knew himself.

"But it's gone!" Targent cried out in desperation.

"No, Targent, not gone," Mojahdii consoled the young follower,"simply not visible."

"What do you mean, not visible, when is it going to be visible, I mean we have all been waiting for so long..."Targent began to rant.

"Calm yourself, Targent, I assure you, as long as Tommy is with us, the crystalline form of Shedavah is close at hand, or have you forgotten that Shedavah is always with us, in us, around and through us and that the crystal is only a physical manifestation of the power of Shedavah, made visible only so that our all too simple eyes and minds would be capable of sensing it's wonder?!" Mojahdii was clearly repeating something he had been teaching to all assembled for a number of years, "and Targent, you have only been seeking the crystal through meditation and visualization for a little over a year. Many of your brothers and sisters assembled here have been waiting for the crystal to be revealed for far longer than you, so to all of you I say, please, continue your practice and as you do, focus your energy in a positive, supportive channel directly to Tommy. He needs all of us for the journey which lies ahead.

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