
an illustrated novel

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chapter 14 Continued 5 Anna Marie Returns

Blue had just set aside "Cosmic Dancer" to allow it to dry and was picking up "Light Wizards" when Anna Marie walked silently up behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, very gently so she wouldn't startle him. He was so completely absorbed in his thoughts that he barely acknowledged her. She slid gracefully into the empty seat beside him, joining him in the search for meaning within the painting.

"I think this represents me." He said, pointing to the character on the right half of the paper. " I think that I am channelling some kind of energy that is more than just light. I tried to paint it with power but didn't want it to seem destructive. I'm not sure why the floating figures are in there, It's like they're not awake, like they're part of the dream but not really important. The other two, I think, are you and Sansaa, he pointed out the remaining two figures respectively. The figure he saw as Anna Marie was  on the lower left and Sansaa was the largest figure in the painting, pictured in the upper left." He smiled at Anna Marie, he felt good that she was going to be able to help him channel the energy of Shedavah. As his eyes met hers he noticed that she was not smiling. She wasn't frowning, but she did seem to be concerned.

Anna Marie pointed to the wizard in the painting which Blue showed her was the one he thought had been her and shook her head, indicating that it was not. Anna Marie was not saddened by this thought at all but she could see that it was important for Blue to feel that he was putting this together for himself; she could also see that he was attracted to her. Anna Marie was accustomed to having men find her attractive. She was also accustomed to having each of them leap to the determination that he would prove to be her savior, the poor mute would at last find love in the arms of her rescuer. Blue didn't strike Anna Marie in quite the same way but it was clear that he had a thing for her.

She had been "in training" for her relationship with Blue for as long as she could remember. Her parents were both killed when a police chase forced her father's car off the road, into a cement abutment, causing her premature birth. The first person on the scene of the crash was a woman by the name of Julianna. before any public service vehicles arrived, before police or firefighters, Julianna delivered the baby before her mother Marie perished from the fatal wounds received in the accident. When authorities did arrive, Julianna and the baby were gone. Knowing full-well that she could never keep the baby if anyone found out, Julianna left her home, her job and her few close friends, saying only that she needed to try something new. When Julianna arrived in the Shadowlands, Mojahdii was sitting all alone on a bicycle. Behind it was a small cart. He bid them welcome and asked Julianna to place all of her belongings in the cart while he held the baby. After she had packed up the cart, he gave her the baby and indicated that she sit on the small wooden bench style seat at the very front of the cart. Already there was a soft blanket in which to wrap the newborn. After a short ride down a winding path, Mojahdii stopped the bicycle, got off and began to unload all of the belongings into a small, neat hut. He said goodnight and told Julianna that he would have to spend one half of one hour with the baby each day until it was time for her to go. That daily visit became the training which would prepare Anna Marie for her work with Onjadiavaan. Both women still reside in that same little hut.

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