
an illustrated novel

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 11 All Mixed Up Alternate Worlds Same Old Song and Dance

Blue didn't know what to say to Vinny. The fact was that Tommy, the real Tommy, had already been lost to Vinny without his knowledge and Blue was beginning to wish that Vinny really was his big brother. There was a warmth to Vinny that, despite his brawn, spoke of a gentleness and kindness which few exemplify, unless you happen to be threatening someone close to him, then my friend, you had better watch out! But Tommy was his brother and Blue, by virtue of being Tommy, had a guardian angel. As long as Vinny thought he was Tommy, no one could touch him without Vinny jumping in with all his might to defend his little brother. Still, Blue felt as though he had done something to hurt Vinny, as if taking over his brothers lifeless body was somehow his own doing. It wasn't. Logically he knew that and comforted himself with that rationale whenever the waves of shame began to wash over him. Besides, there wasn't anything rational about popping up in someones dead brother's body. All of this thinking and feeling shame took time. It left Tommy looking a little like a stunned deer, caught in the headlights' of Vinny's heartfelt sentimentality.

"Hey Tommy, it's okay man." Vinny said as he laughed, "Ground control to Major Tom"

Blue snapped back to what he now knew as reality and laughed hard from Tommy's drop-jawed open mouth. Vinny thought that Tommy was laughing at his clever comment but Blue was nearly in tears as he laughed, both out of relief at the opportunity to laugh in spite of the awkwardness he was feeling over the circumstances and the realization that Bowie existed simultaneously across two disparate parallel universes.

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