
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 11 All Mixed Up

"Let's dance," Max cooed into Victor's ear as she slinked her way off of Victor's satisfied flesh.

The chair pulsing Bowie's familiar back beat into his spine causing his satisfied smile to widen into an ecstatic grin."I thought we just did," Victor said as he rose to his feet and took Max into his arms, twirling her as the two of them sang together,"under the moonlight, the serious moonlight," it was the perfect night for getting to know each other. They danced for several songs until Max turned away, excusing herself with a kiss.

Leer fell back into the chair, the songs of Leonard Cohen now gracing the speakers of this magnificently comfortable sound system. Leer had once met Leonard Cohen in a world where a megalomaniac dictator had gained control over all civilization after a bloody war which lasted for decades, nearly eliminating Cohen's entire culture. None of his songs were the same but the voice and the style were unmistakable, unlike Bowie who seemed to be the exact same guy across multiple worlds. When Leer met Cohen it was the only time he ever divulged his secret of traveling between parallel worlds. he wanted to let Leonard know that in another world, terrible things happened to his people but they were able to overcome the hardship of war and persecution. Leonard Cohen didn't seem to be the least bit surprised by any of it. He simply replied, "We all have our parts to play in life, mine, here, is to remind my people of who we are, who we have been and who we can be. Another time and place requires a different song."

Leer thought of these words as he continued to enjoy the post orgasm bliss that temporarily took his mind off of the less than pleasant realities of this latest "mission". For Leer, it has always been about the mission. His path has been defined by what was needed by that which he refers to as "All That Is". Rarely did Leer find himself in a place of ease, physically, that is. His life was constantly in flux, always active and far more adventurous than it would seem possible for one man. Emotionally and spiritually, Leer was quite a different man. He was at peace. He had managed to achieve a connection with all that existed around him. His mind and spirit were one at all times and nothing external to himself could shake that foundation, nothing with the possible exception of Catherine Kent.

Max called to him from within her bedroom, "Victor, daddy's back in town and he wants you at the clubhouse ASAP. It's a text message so I can't tell what he's thinking but it's got something to do with Tommy. Listen to this,"Tell Victor to get to the clubhouse ASAP-What the Varst happened with you and Levito? Never mind," she continued reading," just get there, Now! Sal." Doesn't sound too good, we'd better hurry."Max warned Victor, shifting back to her old frame of mind the moment the daddy bell rang.

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