
an illustrated novel

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chapter 14 Anna Marie, Teacher, Interpreter, Muse

Blue watched as Anna Marie danced, his mind slipping in and out of a dream state, a timeless euphoria where sight, sound, memory and perception swirled together like the marbled ingredients of a most deliciously decadent dessert. Images flashed through his mind, feeling so real but for the moment intangible. Anna Marie could see that Blue was "traveling" as she would later define it to him. She continued to dance around him, allowing him to ride along upon her movement. Blue recognized that Anna Marie was working with him, in this very moment, she was his guide, while at the same time his instructor, she wanted something from him. So he began, once again, to paint. At the precise moment that he felt as if he could produce an image which might capture the energy of the moment, the sweeping curve of the brush, the liquidity of the fluid medium responding to his direction while he responded to the direction of a source he could not define, he looked up and Anna Marie was gone, leaving him with his inspiration. This is the painting he produced.

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