
an illustrated novel

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter12 Shadowlanding in the hut of Mojahdii

"I am Mojahdii," the old man introduced himself as Tommy, Vinny, Sansaa and the rest of the people who greeted the brothers filed into the hut. It was just like a scene from Harry Potter, Blue thought as he noticed that all of them fit comfortably into what appeared from the outside to be a rather small hut. As he thought this an incredibly strong flash of knowing passed through him, an understanding, or at least that's what he thought it was. Blue wasn't really raised a Christian because you couldn't call growing up with Frank as being raised, it was more like being bullied through childhood, but Frank claimed that he was a Christian, so Blue was automatically one as well. On one occasion where Blue had to attend a funeral for some family member who was going to leave Frank some money, even though he had never met Frank, Blue sat through a reading about Jesus Christ performing a miracle  where he multiplied a few loaves of bread and some fish so that an entire crowd was fully satisfied. It had stuck in Blue's mind that the story was another myth , tall tale or outright fabrication, but now, in this moment he knew exactly what had happened on that day. It wasn't one thing, it was a few. First, Jesus was a hypnotist. He had the ability to hypnotize very large numbers of people with seemingly little or no effort. Second, there was more food than originally reported because Jesus had already asked those in attendance who had brought food to begin sharing before any of the apostles had a chance to see where the food was coming from and when they actually saw what they thought was the food that was available, it didn't look like much and the reason they couldn't get a proper reading on that situation is that Jesus kept them looking in other directions, constantly diverting their attention and distorting their perception through careful and mindful manipulation. Third, a large number of people in attendance weren't very hungry to begin with. All of this occurred to Blue in the moment it took for Mojahdii to introduce himself and to smile, gesturing to a pillow at Blue's feet, indicating that he should sit. "We are all very pleased to have the opportunity to share a wondrous gift. There are those of us who have studied the symbols of the ancients, while others have explored the mysteries and magic of the elements, still others have trained both mind and body to transcend  what is perceived by most to be the normal, physical limitations of our species. But today, we are joined by this young man who, without knowing how or why, has accomplished what none of us could have done."

Several of the men and women assembled looked on with crestfallen expressions, while many others beamed with a radiant glow of expectation, a few of them began to weep. Sansaa looked at Vinny and glowed with joy as she hugged him. Vinny and Sansaa then turned their attention to Tommy, Vinny whispered softly to Sansaa,"It's the OmegaLux Crystal".

Mojahdii, though far across the room, said,"Ahh, Vinny, you are only partially correct." The rest of the people who had gathered in the room had not heard what Vinny had whispered and wondered at Mojahdii's comment. "Vincent believes that I am talking about the fact that Tommy here has secured the OmegaLux Crystal!" The group gasped in unison. Some leaned slightly away from Tommy while others inched closer. One particularly attractive woman rose to her feet and left the hut. As she did, a very energetic young man with red curly hair bounced across the empty space from which she had risen and slid in next to Tommy, smiling and surveying him closely, trying to imagine where the crystal might be.

"Hi Tommy, I'm Targent," he said, the words popping briskly from his mouth like sparks as he quickly slid his hands under his own rear end, palms down, flat against the ground in a gesture that said that he wanted to be as close to Tommy as possible but he wasn't going to touch him or the crystal because he, though extremely excited and undeniably friendly, knew how to respect people, their privacy and their possessions.

"And Vincent," Mojahdii went on to add,"you are correct, Tommy does have the crystal, only it is NOT the OmegaLux Crystal. It is Shedavah." Judging by the reaction of the people in the room, Blue knew that he was now more than just your average tourist , out for a little Rand R in the Shadowlands, in the eyes of all assembled. Most looked on him with adoration and wonder while a few seemed downright pissed. Targent giggled and bounced on his hands like a little monkey.

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