
an illustrated novel

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chapter 7 Who Am Us?

"Looks like you're going to have to find a little snack elsewhere, M'bucko,"McGoogle says as he pats Krunk about thigh high,"One time he ate three different women for me. They just wouldn't cooperate. The fourth one finally agreed that I WAS the guy she was planning to meet at the airport for a little "layover". Turns out, she decided to stick around long enough to pop out a few mini McGoogles before Krunk finally did eat her. Never dawned on me 'til then that Krunk might have a problem detecting sarcasm. Still, I been thinkin' it might not be a bad idea to start me another family", McGoogle salivates in Max's direction. Blue is just disgusted by McGoogle so he steps in between Krunk, McGoogle and Max with a peremptory "How's it goin'? Krunk, McGoogle, came to see the show?" Krunk towered over them, his eyes fixed on Max, his face puppy-like and smiling in a relieved, I don't have to eat you smile.

"So you're not really dead, 'eh Tommy boy?", quipped McGoogle,"and by the look of things, you seem to be steppin' up to protect and serve the very witch who blasted a hole in you less than an hour ago!"

Tommy laughed then spoke with a firm tone in his voice,"Look, I'm not exactly sure what just happened, but I am pretty damn sure that there is not a thing that you can do to me that is any worse, no offense Krunk. Now Victor and I have some serious talking to do - ain't that right Victor?"

Leer moves his eyes upwards from surveying the body he is in as it transformed from badly beaten to perfectly healthy and replies, "apperently, we do".

"Max, I didn't kill your great great somethin' or another, but you DID kill me. It just didn't work. So, that makes us even," Tommy smiles as he turns to Victor and puts his arm around him like the two of them were old friends, walking off to share a secret, which they were, it's just that nobody else knew it.

So much for freedom, Max thought to herself. Now she was really in love. She blasted a Farb-Damn hole in him and he smiles and calls it even. What the Fuck got into Tommy and how was she going to get her hands on some. Better yet, wrap her legs around some. She wanted him inside of her - her thoughts - her feelings - her every minute, but there was no way in varst that she was going to let him know it.

"Krunk very happy he no have to squash and eat lady Max!" Krunk nervously approached with something very tiny, barely held between his huge fingers. It was a little black ponytail holder. Max casually removed it from Krunk's massive hand and tied up her hair. "Thanks big boy, she winked, then spun her way toward the cops who had bleachered themselves on their squad cars with oversized submarine sandwiches and energy drinks.

Max zeroed in on Colin Dugan, a skinny young cop who reminded her of a ferret. He had spent a little too much time getting into her business of late and she couldn't pass up the opportunity to amuse herself. "So Colin, you gotta be shittin' your pants right now. The two of them actually talking?! She struts in close and whispers in his ear, "Probably about YOU!"

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