
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chapter 7 Who Am Us? and Who's Hungry?

"It won't work," Leer replies dryly, "Quanjis can't guide themselves, only others."

"Fine, I'll guide you to my bed. I've got a king-size mattress, clean sheets and enough beer in the fridge for both of us. Now can I put my hand up?" Blue pleads.

"Same old Blue," Leer smiles,"nice try, but I've been searching for a Quanji for over twenty years now. If you're mine, then you already know where I'm going, intuitively. If not, you're either not my Quanji or you're not a very good one. No offense.

Blue moved in on top of Leer's toes and bent in low so his nose pressed down on Leer's nose as he whispered gruffly,"Well it doesn't take a Quanji to know that you don't want to spend the rest of your life as a balding Italian with horrible taste in clothing, too much jewelry and a homicidal girlfriend."

"Actually, this is a pretty nice watch," Leer replies as he thrusts his wrist up between their two noses forcing Blue back enough that he can step out from under his feet. "Besides, it says it's dinner time and judging by the hole in your stomach, you gotta be pretty hungry!"

"Very funny, but you know, you are right. Perhaps it is you who is the Quanji, you who can see the destination," Blue laughs as he looks in his pocket for money."Holy shit!" he exclaims as he pulls out a billfold stacked with bills bearing the number 100 and the face of a man he had never seen before. Inscribed upon a scroll graphic within the design of the bill are the words "Together We Stand, One People, One Homeland" He held the bill up for Leer to see saying, "Maybe you're not Italian."

"This could get very interesting," Leer muses as he turns toward the crowd which is considerably smaller now, roughly three hundred feet away. "Max", he yells,"Come over here, and tell the rest of the guys we'll meet up later." I have an idea, he whispers to Blue. "We need to get some understanding about who we are and what's going on around here, so we might as well use my homicidal girlfriend."

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