
an illustrated novel

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chapter 6 Across the Universe Where ARE We Going?

With the blackness looming above them, Blue relaxes his grip on the serpent and they float serenely in the center of the great opening within the maze. Blue's whole being bristled with energy as he suddenly re-engaged his grip on the whiskers. The serpent, which was really more like a dragon the more Blue thought about it, responded instantly, bolting immediately upward, directly perpendicular to the only thing that looked anything like ground below them, which didn't really look anything like ground at all. Actually it looked an awful lot like the inside of a waffle iron except that the bumpy bits looked more like thorns. Thorns made of spikes made from pyramids, hundreds of feet tall, as if you just grabbed the tip of the pyramid and kept pulling up on it and the whole thing stretched to the height you made it stretch to, which in this case was a few hundred feet. So the waffle iron was really more like a bed of nails. Blue looked below him and watched as they rocketed upward away from the bottom and even though they were rocketing, the bottom never really seemed to be getting any further away. Just then, three gelatinous tubes with teeth, jawbones, fangs, monstrous, mammoth mandibles burst forth from the three surrounding tunnels striking the spot where Blue and the dragon,Leer had been serenly floating only seconds earlier. they were now, however, hurtling forward, upward into the infinite blackness. Well, blackness that appeared to be infinite until three more rabid gummy worms darted at them from all sides.

Some people put stock in religion, others in education and innovation,"Science Gentlemen, Science will answer everything!" but sometines it's a simple matter of instinct, if not just dumn luck. Blue did not ordinarily consider himself to be lucky so it was instinct that inspired his next move. Blue moved with the grace and confidence of a master. He let go.

Time seemed to stop.

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