
an illustrated novel

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chapter 7 Rivals

Tommy and Victor stood within a couple of feet of one another. No one had budged in the last several minutes after the laughter subsided. A feeling of wonder hung in the air but it felt like wonder that had been poured upon and was hungry and confused. Leer and Blue had begun to understand that they were some pretty important men, or rather Victor and Tommy were, and the sense that everyone was watching to see what their next move was going to be was palpable. Actually, Blue and Leer didn't even know their own names at this point to say nothing of the fact that they had no understanding of how the men, whose bodies they now stood in, died. Leer had jumped a couple of times before but never by goozlesnorp and never into someone else's body, and Blue was still half expecting Glurp to show up.

Instead, a woman walked toward them from the front line of the crowd which was still fanned out, motionless around them, satisfied to spectate as she walked with determination toward the risen pair. As soon as she drew near enough to be seen clearly, both men instantly recognized her. Blue turned to look at Leer who returned the gaze with an expression which told Blue that she was, in fact, the spitting image of Mona Damino, or Catherine Kent. Now was clearly not going to be the right time to clear up that little mystery.

"Well, I am going to have to have this thing checked out, the woman said as she played with her firearm, surveying it then eyeing up Tommy's gut. She looked a little too much like Siouxsie Sioux for either Blue or Leer to handle without a slight bit of laughter, only she thought they were laughing at her joke about the piece. She was cocky, forceful and outrageously sexy, if not intimidating, particularly to Blue as she stepped in close and in a single motion nuzzled the barrel of her firearm up under his chin while pulling Victor in close, grabbing his shirt and clenching it into her fist. "Did you guys forget you hate each other?" She eased her grip on Victor as if checking herself. It didn't take long for Leer to sense the situation. He knew that he, Victor, was one of the two men in charge, leaving Blue, or Tommy, to be the other and for the moment at least, hot little Siouxsie was on his side. Leer took a chance on his read and putting one hand on her shoulder stepped in to gently but firmly push her gun hand down, away from Blue's chin. "Hey now, easy does it, nobody should have to die more than once a day, even him." Leer safely suggested. He was as much saving Blue as he was trying to leave the conversation open, for information seeking purposes. It worked. " I just can't believe you don't want me to plug Tommy again for you, Victor, and we even have the stiff shuttle handy to cart his ass away", the woman added with a distainful look at Blue.

She was still trying to sort out her feelings about what had just happened by doing the thing that came easiest to her, swinging her gun around and threatening somebody. Everyone in the crowd had just watched as Tommy Levito and Victor Alonzo fought hand to hand for three hours-Actually Tommy mercilously beat Victor to a pulp because Tommy was that much better a fighter yet Victor refused to go down. Max, the hot Siouxsie look-alike couldn't bear it any longer, so she blasted a hole in Tommy's stomach, the size of a grapefruit. Tommy hit the pavement just as Victor keeled over. Both men were dead. Everyone was stunned. At that moment, everything changed. Nothing is certain. The cops didn't know what to do because half of them got regular dough from one of the stiffs on the ground, if not both. The crowd volleyed stares across to one another trying to guage their next move. The cronie volleyball tournamment ended before it began however as neither side could figure out who would serve. The captains were gone. The bosses were dead. Both stiffs were in the ambulances before anyone knew what hit them As the crowd began to realize that Tommy and Victor were dead the faintest breath of hope seemed to sigh its way through the crowd of cops and cronies. For a moment, Max thought about running. She could just go. She could live in a small town, no more Victor, no more guns-Freedom.
But now, here she was again, ready to blast another hole, ready to do whatever Victor wanted.

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