
an illustrated novel

Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 7 Who Am Us? and Who's Hungry Three Too

"So Max, enlighten me, how are we going to make Tommy Boy here work with us?"  Max stares dumbfoundedly at Victor then Tommy then Victor trying to work out the work with us concept for herself much less for Tommy.  "Let's put it this way, what if you were me and you wanted to stop the fighting, get over it, move on - what would you do?"  Leer asked. 

Max gave Victor a look that told him that he had never asked her for her opinion about anything, so why, now, when she would obviously not share his views on the situation, would he bother to ask for her opinion and said, "Victor, you have never asked for my opinion on anything so why on earth would you ask me now, when I obviously do not share your views on this whole situation."  Victor calmly replied, "Because Max, I just had my head kicked in and I'm not thinking clearly."  Max's expression turned from troubled to downright sour, "Bast yourself, Victor", Max sneared then crossed her arms and frowned into a sullen silence.  Tommy and Victor were speachless, mostly because Leer and Blue didn't know what "Bast yourself" meant, but it wasn't too hard to imagine.  It was now clear to Leer that Victor was a real pain in the neck in general and that it was going to be difficult if not impossible to be himself and Victor at the same time.  One thing he knew for certain, there was a reason he and Blue appeared where they did, when they did and he was going to figure it out.  "Listen Max," he said as soothingly as he thought Victor's character would allow, "I know I've been difficult to deal with in the past," Max lifted her eyes towards him, "but I promise I'm going to handle things a little differently now."  I smile warmed its way across Max's face as Victor's face flattened itself into what was left of his blue plate special as he squeaked out a "what the ffffff" doubling over to grab his balls where Max's steel-tipped heal was firmly lodged.  "Thought I'd better get that in before you changed your mind," she quipped as she withdrew her boot returning her foot to its rightful place below the table, harmlessly crossed over the ankle of her other leg.  Leer reluctantly choked a half-hearted "I guess I had it coming."

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