
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chapter 7 Who Am Us? and Who's Hungry Too

"Max", Leer grins as he puts his arm around her, "Tommy here gets the impression that you don't like him. I don't know if it's the hole you shot in his guts that's mixing him all up or if he's just a little dazed from hunger. So, why don't you buy us all a little dinner. You see, while I was dying a short time ago, a thought came to me, an epiphany, a new direction."

Maxed scowled at Victor then ranted," A new direction? An epiphany? Dinner with Tommy? Have you lost your mind? What do you think my dad is going to say about this?" Max barely caught her breath,"and DYING? Victor , you weren't dying, you were dead. Your skin was already turning cold. I felt it with my own hands! Now, you come back from the dead AND you suddenly want to play nicey nice with Tommy Levito? You expect me to accept that? AND you want me to buy you guys dinner? I ought to plug both of you right now! Max reaches down for her gun but Leer's hand is already between her legs, where she keeps her weapon. He has the piece, barrel to her crotch. She tenses up and reaches out for his throat with her blade, as she does, she notices that Victor's other hand is holding his own gun to her temple. Her eyes roll silently skyward in resignation. She drops her arms and her mouth turns to a pout.

"Max, c'mon now, I know it's hard to accept that I'm standing here, alive, in front of you, without a scar on me after the final beating of my life, but isn't it easier to accept than an early grave for yourself? Besides, I wouldn't want to waste such a lovely girl over a little misunderstanding."

Max reluctantly softens and with quiet sarcasm replies, "Misunderstanding? Is that what you call simultaneous resurrections - a misunderstanding?"

"It's OK, relax," says Victor as he lowers his gun and gently places her gun back into the holster between her legs. "C'mon, let's eat."

1 comment:

  1. I must skip two days of posting so here's an extra for tomorrow and I'll make Friday's a double to cover Thursday.
