
an illustrated novel

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chapter 2, Hey or What Blue Learned from Glurp (cont.) about Women3

"I wish that I could be your guardian angel, not just because I think that you deserve to be protected, so I can see if you walk like that everywhere you go. I don't believe that you do because the way it affects me makes me think that it can only be for me." Blue whispered to Brianna when all of their other friends were busy watching CapMan add another one to his "Wall of Fame", a beer bottle cap collection so expansive that it was no longer a wall but many walls. Most remarkable was the fact that every cap was from a bottle that he had consumed himself.

"Whooeee!, Yes!"

Normally, the fact that CapMan had just announced his decision to extend the collection to the ceiling for lack of wall space would have been just the thing to elicit such a response from Blue, however, that wasn't the cause of the outburst. Blue played it off like it was but that was because he felt embarrassed, elated and downright giddy over something so extraordinarily wonderful that he he had no intention of making it public. That was, not until he had time to process and enjoy it for himself. Brianna had, only seconds earlier whispered back,"Well, Blue, it is only for you."

He couldn't believe it. Blue felt as though he had stolen a line from Glurp to trick Brianna into accepting how he felt for her. It seemed a bit false to use a line from an imaginary friend who resembled a large Lemonhead with legs, but there was something different going on. In fact, this blissfully romantic episode was only the beginning of a realization and transformation for Blue that would prove to be a major turning point in his life.

Until now, Blue had been rather non-committal. He was attending college with an "undeclared" major. He had always been an artist in his own mind and by the looks of it to everyone else a fairly good one. However, he didn't really commit to it until he started creating art about his dreams.The moment he discovered that Glurp's words worked with Brianna, he began to explore his dreams, openly, within his artwork. Glurp was out of his subconscious and jumping off the page. Blue's first kiss, his sexual appetite, his fears and his ambitions were drawn, painted and collaged right alongside Glurp, Mr. Nut and Walter for all of his friends, his teachers and even his lovely Brianna to see. As Blue translated his dreams to his art the nightmares became less frequent. Glurp showed up only occasionally and Walter and Mr. Nut disappeared altogether. By the time Blue graduated from college, Glurp was just a childhood memory.

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