
an illustrated novel

Friday, June 11, 2010

Artist - Writer's Note

Dear Reader,

This format is an exploration of the media available on the web to tell a story over twenty-five years in the making. Sudden leaps in time, graphic styles, sound and video quality inconsistencies and even points of view are essential elements of the presentation. This “illustrated novel” will utilize the tools available within the blog site and may even leap away to other sites.

I may post only a picture one night and follow it with a text only post the next. Many times the art will be full sheets, photographed from an original drawing, painting or mixed media work. Some may be full pages or two pages together (without the seam), while others may be details of pages, individual frames or other supporting media. I will be posting rough sketches from time to time even if they were never fully realized as final drawings, particularly where they fit the story, but sometimes just because they are cool to look at.

If at any time you feel bewildered, wondering what is going on, which time, who’s life, how many or why?... I assure you, it is intended. Eventually, it will all make sense, or at least my kind of sense! I believe you are going to like this whether you are a fan of comics, novels, movies, art or all of them. Feel free to post any comments regarding the format or content of “Blue, an illustrated novel”, thanks,


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