
an illustrated novel

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chapter 2, Hey or What Blue Learned from Glurp continued

Blue saw Glurp pretty regularly after their first meeting, almost nightly, in fact at first. Over the years, however, Glurp's appearances in Blue's dreams became more sporadic. He always seemed to show up when Blue felt stuck and needed someone or something to change the course of his dream. Glurp was incredibly good at that.

Blue didn't always have bad dreams. Sometimes he had very good dreams that went bad, like when Walter showed up, while others were simply reflections of his daily routine. As Blue grew older, his dream to nightmare ratio shifted toward the positive and dreams filled his night with opportunity, wonder, escape, and even love. Actually, Glurp was sort of responsible for Blue's first kiss.

As Blue got older, Mr. Nut became larger and considerably more menacing. He seemed to forget the rule that stated that he wasn't supposed to hurt Blue. Since he didn't remember where the rule came from and Blue never knew who defined the rules, Mr. Nut took it upon himself to determine how we was going to handle Blue on any given day. On this particular day, Mr. Nut was violent. He decided that before ingesting Blue, he would peel Blue. He would crack open his shell and eat out his insides like a peanut. He lifted Blue high into the air and held him up to the light of the sun, between his index finger and thumb, inspecting him for just the right spot to crack him open. He decided that pinching him between the fingers and thumb would be the best approach. As he did so, Blue doubled over, tucking his elbows in and covering his head with his hands, bracing himself against the nutty giant. As Blue folded forward, the hooded jacket he was wearing popped out at the waistline like a cracked shell. Mr. Nut was delighted to see how nicely the edge of the "shell" presented itself to him. He held Blue by the legs with one hand and grabbed at the coat with the other. He peeled the coat off of Blue who slipped out of his grip and began to fall toward the ground.

The moment before Blue hit the ground a street merchant pushed his cart, loaded with bananas directly under him. With a squishy thud, Blue landed safely in the cart before he could fathom what had just occurred, Blue was being pulled by the arm, out of the cart and off of the banana pile. "Nice of you to drop in", Glurp chuckled, " I've banana few bad spots before but there is nothing a peeling about this situation of yours!"

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