
an illustrated novel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chapter 2, Hey or What Blue Learned from Glurp (cont.) about Women2

Glurp was fantastically gregarious. He could find his way into any conversation instantly. The problem was that as soon as he did, he tried to take the conversation over. It wasn't enough that he had engaged Blue's friends, he had to own them. They had to become his friends and if that was at Blue's expense, so be it. Glurp had the annoying habit of making Blue appear stupid. The most frustrating thing about this being Blue's dream is that he often had to accept the dream situation. He was only able to do what was possible within his own dream. He found himself unable to remember or recite facts, excerpts from novels or poems, song lyrics, lines from movies, any of the bits of trivia or threads of conversation he was accustomed to sharing with his friends while in this dream state whenever Glurp was around. Another truly annoying habit of Glurp's was to tell Blue as well as Blue's male friends that they were thick. He would attempt to reinforce that idea by flicking them on their skulls with his unusually rigid fingers. Then his eyes would turn to the ladies. His chest would swell, his posture become more erect as he sauntered his way toward them. On any given night, the women in Blue's circle of friends would react differently to Glurp's advances. While it was often difficult to stomach the discourse as it unfolded it nonetheless served to provide great insight into the human condition, or what made women tick. Glurp made the girls feel sexy. He scared them. He pleased them and made them cry. Glurp said some incredibly romantic things that made the women blush, smile or just plain crawl up on his lap. Blue sat by and watched everything, powerless within his dream state. Althought Blue had no memory from dream to dream of the events which happened between Glurp and his friends, he had very vivid memories of the dreams while he was awake. Blue began to experiment with his understanding of women, derived through the exploits of Glurp.

Brianna was the most lovely person whom Blue had ever seen. She walked with a slight shift in her hips, just enough to say sexy without being blatantly sexual. When Blue watched her walk his thoughts drifted far away from any fears he had and his heart felt light. He remembered something he had heard Glurp say to her one night in a dream and decided to actually say it to her for real.

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