
an illustrated novel

Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 7 Who Am Us? and Who's Hungry Three

Mickey's Diner in Rat Town is about as true to the definition of a greasy spoon railway car diner as any diner could be in this or any universe, parallel or otherwise. So it came as no surorize to Leer that the first words out of Max's mouth were, "Victor, I keep telling you that stuff is going to kill you!" when he ordered the blue plate special - double chesseburger with bacon, fried onions and mushrooms, devoid of vegetation and splattered with two heaping tablespoons of mayo, served with a fat garlic dill pickle and a combo basket of fries, onion rings and fried cheese curds on the side. This was a real shocker to Blue, who had always known John to be a vegetarian. His confusion nearly caused him to blurt out something that would have exposed them as someone other than who they claimed to be but he held his tongue. Instead, he set out to find clues upon his plate as to why his order was referred to as chicken fried steak. As he did so, Max confessed that she always got "wicked hungry" after she plugged somebody because it tended to rattle her nerves a bit but that this time she was going to have to be excused, forgiven or just plain tolerated for proceeding to devour two full sized racks of ribs because the guy she just plugged had only seconds earlier asked her to pas the salt.

In the silence that followed Victor quietly urges Max to refrain from mentioning death by cheeseburger ever again reminding her that he had just risen from the dead.  Saying something to the effect of "Hey Max, just lay off about the cheeseburger, I've already been beaten to death and I think I can safely say that I'd rather die of a heartattack." 

"Pounded" Tommy listlessly added - Max and Victor looked at him with surprise.

"Flattened" he added, oblivious to the stares now coming from Max and Victor.

"Look," Victor interjected "it's bad enough you beat me to death, you gotta insult me?"

"What?"  Tommy snaps out of his trance "huh, no, not you, the meat, it's flat, pulverized, I mean I can't even recognize it, sirloin, round steak, flank steak, eh, whatever, it's actually pretty tasty!"  Blue eats with conviction while Leer attempts surreptitiously get a handle on Rat Town by playing on Max's obvious need for attention.

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