
an illustrated novel

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chapter 6 Across the Universe-an Unexpected Visitor

"It's a funny thing when you try to explain the unexplainable," Leer said as he climbed out of the frame right as Blue put the finishing touches on his sunglasses. "Nice touch, by the way, Blue," Leer smirks as he pulls the glasses off."That whole blind superhero thing works well in the comics but you know as well as I do that I see as well as you do, maybe better!"

"Holy shit!!!", vomits Blue."John?!! John Tanner?!! Fuck man! I thought you were dead...or corporate!"Blue stands in disbelief for a moment,"DUDE! It is SO FUCKIN" COOL to see you. What the hell, man? You just walked out of this fuckin' comic that - I - just finishing DRAWING!!!" Blue stutters-shouts-explicates in disbelief. Then he drops to the floor and pleads,"If I draw an iPad in your hand will it really be there, and perhaps more importantly, will all of the available apps be preloaded? No seriously, this calls for a celebration, how about a six-pack, chilled to perfection. Damn, I have absolutely nothing to offer you, I mean you just crawled out of paper you must be parchment, parched I meant." Blue laughs to himself.

"Actually, Leer confides,"we aren't staying."

"We? Who's We? - You and me?" Blue asks cautiously.

"Yeah", Leer laughs and in a single motion puts his sunglasses back on and grabs Blue by the shoulder pulling him back from an infinite drop as a star cruiser obliterates Blue's house and everything in it except for the small patch of floor which Blue and Leer still occupy. It was as if the entire house exploded on impact leaving only enough of the structure to keep Blue and Leer from falling. In fact, it was so sudden that Blue didn't even feel it. What he did feel was the cruiser, inches away from his face, radiating an intense energy. Blue reached up to the cruiser and gently placed his fingers upon the hull of the ship. The surface seemed to silently hum, buzzing rapidly like the vibrator Blue found under the bathroom sink just days after his sister Lisa returned from her "Girl Scout" camping trip. Frank never seemed to put together the fact that Lisa continued to go on "Girl Scout" camping trips all the way through college and never once received a merit badge. What she did do was use every penny that Frank ever earned in any way she pleased right up until the day that Blue moved out. She probably continued to do so but Blue never bothered to find out. In fact, the only thing larger than Blue's disregard for the father and sister he left behind was this cruiser. It was so large that at least a hundred thousand mobile homes could perform parking ramp ballet maneuvers for a week, inside of it, and never recognize a single turn. Blue knew very little about mobile homes and even less about parking ramp ballet. What Blue did know about mobile homes is that many of them are actually quite luxurious. This he learned from a photographer friend who currently resides in a trekkie commune somehere in the Badlands of South Dakota.

"Watch your step" Leer smiles as a sliding door suddenly materializes and slides open in front of Blue.

Blue steps forward, banging directly into the side of the ship.

The door laughs. "Okay, sorrrry," says the door,"c'mon in", suddenly the door appears and slides open again. Just as suddenly, and completely pissed off, Blue marches directly into the side of the ship. The door laughs again. Blue is furious. He looks in the direction of the laughter and says, "Fine, I don't have to go anywhere. I am probably just dreaming anyway, so I will just stay right here, in my broken home and wait until you go away and I wake up!" The door giggles. Leer clears his throat, loudly. "Sorry Mr.Leer," the door opens, continuing,"Safe passage to all who enter through this door, guaranteed by All That Is."

"See Blue, It's like the man says, sure hope Moses knows his roses." Leer shouts," Thank you kindly angel Gabriel!" Then the two men step into what can only be described as a black hole of doom where everything gets sucked into the void.

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