
an illustrated novel

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chapter 7 Max is her name and she has a secret

"Maxie!, darlin', angel of my dreams," drooled old Petey McGoogle as he sauntered up behind the woman with the gun.

"Max! McGoogle, Max!" she replied as she shoved her gun directly up under his balls.

"All right. all right, Max, I beg your pardon, Max, for Farb's sake, no reason to go off half cocked," the old letch grins mischievously."It's nice to see you hangin with the boys, always knew you'd take up with one of 'em, kinda thought it would be Tommy, not Victor. Funny how life plays tricks on ya' ain't it sugar?" McGoogle keeps rambling despite the razor sharp glare Max is burning back, directly into his, droopy, drunken looking eyes. " 'Course you couldn't have a piece of Tommy even if you wanted him now could ya, 'siderin' the old family history and all, too many of your relatives relatives got a thing against Tommy's great great somethin' or another, ain't that right?"

Max continued glaring at McGoogle but he had hit upon a truth that only she knew. She had always wanted Tommy. Sure she was Victor's girl, but the dirty old coot was right, she would have been all over Tommy if there hadn't been the bad blood between the families. This was rat town and things seemed to hang in rat town like a bad odor. Plus, it turns out that anything that ever happened in rat town, McGoogle either knows about it, heard about it, knew it was coming, was there, or caused it. So McGoogle spent most of his time talking about whatever he knew was going to cause the biggest headache for everyone around him because that's how he got his kicks.

"So, as I was sayin' seems Tommy's great great somethin' or another, well he offed, sweet little Maxie's,  "Cah-Humm", pardon me, Max's great great somethin' or another over Tommy's great great somethin' else, if you savvy the sadness, so he's kinda like your brother, ain't he hot rocket?"

This time Max gets in real close with her whole body, so close it excites the old man until he feels the steel of her blade pressed tight up against his jugular.

McGoogle laughs his lowest laugh which is still an octave too high for manly and looks up over her shoulder saying,"Ah, to die with you would be orgasmic, you pretty little witch!"

Without turning her head, Max knew what he was getting at,"You must mean Bitch, because I get the distinct impression that you brought yours. Her eyes still glued to McGoogle, she relaxes her grip upon the knife and eases it away from McGoogle's throat, saying, "Hello Krunk, how's the weather up there big fella?" Krunk is perhaps the single most lovable bad guy imaginable. He is about twelve feet tall and looks like a toddler's toy. His massive hands can pound just about anything to rubble and he eats nearly anything. In fact, he will eat anything and will do whatever McGoogle tells him to do. Max knew this about Krunk and slowly stepped away from McGoogle.

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