
an illustrated novel

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter 6 Across the Universe or Universes

A constant feeling of falling accompanied by the urge to vomit and an insatiable hunger. Such intense hunger that Blue wishes he could vomit just so he could eat something. Blackness, seemingly endless blackness filled with nothing but hunger. For days upon days, a lightless drop through empty space with an empty stomach, in silence.

"Hey", whispers Leer into Blue's ear,"how's your head?"

"My head?",asks Blue.

"Yeah, well it looks different," adds Leer.

"What do you mean different?", Blue asks, suddenly realizing that he is no longer hungry.

"You don't have a nose" Leer responds.

"What?" Blue puzzles.

"You don't have a nose" Leer responds again.

"What do you mean I don't have a nose? I can smell you for cryin' out loud!", Blue nervously snaps.

Leer holds up a small mirror to Blue.

"Man!", Blue exclaims, "I look pretty good as anime!"

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