
an illustrated novel

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chapter 20 Death by Numbers-Act 1 Scene 3

Sal Lorenzo walked slowly toward the bank entrance, careful to take his time, letting everyone who cared to look, have the opportunity to recognize that it was he who had just emerged from the stretch limo, guarded by three large, hulking masses of muscle and fitted silk. Sal was especially well dressed because today he was going to dispose of a bank president on his way to the Opera. He didn't really like the Opera but he did enjoy removing high ranking executives from their lofty positions by virtue of his own power and wealth, the Opera was for Sophia, his sister, who had no real power or money of her own but lived for the nights that her baby brother Sal would treat her to the Opera. She was the kind of woman who could pull the goodness from a person and make it dance, making the world seem a slightly brighter place even if only for a short time. She never dwelled on the particulars of Sal's reality, it was a truth she could not let herself acknowledge, which is probably why she was capable of such optimism, such joy even when in the company of such evil. She continued to treat him like her little brother, cute, spunky and deserving of love. And Sal let her, and only her, call him Sally. Several of the bank employees who wouldn't even dare to call Mr. Lorenzo, Sal, saw him coming and began to talk amongst each other about the possible reason for his visit. He never came to the bank unless something bad was going to happen, so suddenly about fifteen bank employees needed to go to the bathroom.

When Sal was within a few yards of the entrance to the bank, a van screeched alongside the curb, directly in line with the entrance. Sal's bodyguards turned and drew their weapons with dazzling speed but did not unload into the van because Sal had raised his hand in a halting motion, curious to see what happened next. The side door to the van had already been flung open and a body was tumbling out, followed immediately by another body. Sal recognized the second body instantly, despite the badly beaten features of the face which seemed to slosh from one side of the head to the other as the body continued to roll toward Sal. The van sped off as quickly as it had arrived, leaving Victor and Samuel still rolling along the concrete, all eyes glued to them in an effort to determine whether or not they were even alive. Before the bodyguards had a chance to realize that they were being distracted a beautiful woman, dressed exactly like Max, except for the substitution of some very feminine stiletto heels in lieu of Max's customary jack boots, stood a foot from Sal. His eyes turned to her as she reached between her partially exposed breasts to pull out a small scroll, tied in a red ribbon. In the same motion her stiletto heel lifted from the ground and came to rest , dead smack in the middle of Victor's chest who's barely breathing body had stopped rolling just a foot shy of Sal and the young, beautiful woman. She held the scroll out to Sal, in just the right spot so his eyes would see the scroll and Victor's pummelled face at the same time. He took the scroll from the woman as she stepped through, walking directly across Victor's chest as if he were a minor, inconvenient little bump in her path.

"Take her", Sal shouted. As his bodyguards raised their guns they were all simultaneously eliminated. One by some sort of long-range tazer, leaving him twitching on the pavement. Another was just down, whatever happened to him had happened too quickly for anyone to see. A shorter person, dressed  in a very dark black suit from head to toe, was running away about twenty yards from the spot where his motionless body lay. The third was tumbling across the ground after having been hit by a speeding cycle which not only threw him head over heels but also managed to pick up the girl and speed away before Sal even had the thought to draw his own weapon.

He bent down to listen for Victor's breathing as he unrolled the scroll and read 'Thanks for the Juice-Keep it Coming-We Need More'.

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