
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 19 - Leaving at the Speed of Light

It was true, Blue now seemed to possess an inner knowing which was so powerful and inexplicable given his usual M.O. which consisted of going along with the flow of just about everything with nearly everyone around him, with no definitive course of his own. Perhaps that is what made him most suited to be come Onjadiavaan. What he was feeling now was a strong sense of purpose with absolutely nothing for a plan. As a matter of fact, he seemed particularly confident that not having a plan at this particular moment was the best possible plan he could have. What he knew was that it was time to leave the Shadowlands. What he told everyone was nothing. He just left. He didn't pack. He didn't say goodbye. He didn't kiss or hug anybody. He didn't shake hands with or leave a note for anybody. He simply left the Shadowlands in the middle of the afternoon, on foot with only the clothes upon his back. He didn't even bring Shedavah along. He put the crystal in the center of a small shrine just outside the back door of Mojahdii's hut then walked down the narrow footpath which wound its way along the fields which filled the valley floor until he reached the slope of the mountain range that formed the edge of the valley on the far north side. Then he leaped up into the air and glided to the top of a large outcropping of rock at the summit where he sat and waited for sunset.

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