
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chapter 19 - Learning at the Speed of Light 6

"One might think that in an enlightened community, important, possibly life-changing events and the news of those events might be handled with care, discussed only when appropriate and only with others who understood the more comprehensive picture of what such news meant and what it might affect. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason for this is simple, the enlightened tend to behave as if everyone is enlightened or at least aware that what the enlightened are enlightened about is ultimately true. However, it is not true that everyone is even the least bit interested in enlightenment. So, people who may not be the right people to trust with important news such as the recovery of Shedavah by Onjadiavaan end up having that news shared with them by naive, enlightened folk who by their faith in others expose the innocent to the wiles of the wicked. Ultimately, it is this very irony that maintains the balance of good and evil within the universe. Still, good people end up dead all of the time because of things just like this." Mojahdii said as he walked back and forth slowly, smiling warmly at Blue so as not to discourage him. "So, Onjadiavaan, you are now here with us so that you can deliver that which has been promised, and all of us who have been waiting have great hopes in you. Nearly all who have waited think that since you have arrived, the stories that have been told of what has been and what is to come are certainly true. You have learned many of these stories already, nearly all in fact, while you prepared to reclaim Shedavah but I can imagine that it feels quite different now that you are actually Onjadiavaan." Mojahdii winked at Blue and continued pacing."What most of the believers don't understand, Blue, is that you are Onjadiavaan only as long as you fulfill that which it is to be Onjadiavaan."Mojahdii stopped pacing and turned to see Blue's reaction. Blue did not seem to be the least bit surprised by this information, in fact, he seemed to be relieved. "Perhaps you have already figured this out? or maybe you no longer wish to be Onjadiavaan," Mojahdii postulated with a half-smile, then waited for a response.

"I am Onjadiavaan," Blue responded," I do not know for how long any more than I know why, but I don't care. For some reason, my friend turned out to really be a character he made up in a comic book we were writing together, or was it the other way around." Blue paused, as if considering this question one more time might somehow, this time, wind up being answered, then he continued,"doesn't matter. We travelled through space and time, became a few different kinds of creatures, ended up in bodies that weren't even our own on a world that seems like the one I call home, though Farb knows why," he laughs at his own, internal joke about the nature of divinity,"then I find, lose and recover Shedavah. Now if that doesn't mean that I am meant to be Onjadiavaan as part of some greater plan, then I will just have to find out the hard way. There is only one thing that I know and that is that I know something. I can't explain it, hell, I don't even understand it, but I don't have to, so, please, Mojahdii, tell me what I need to know about being Onjadiavaan because I have a feeling that all Varst is gonna break loose any day now!"

Mojahdii laughed very softly to himself then looked at Blue calmly but with a seriousness that said that everything that was going on right now, for all of the people whom Blue had come to know and love, was absolutely critical and dependent upon his actions. "Onjadiavaan delivers Shedavah to all. You are absolutely right Blue, you are Onjadiavaan and only you can know what is right, what must be done at any given time. I can only tell you that your path will be difficult, you will be challenged. If the stories are true, by someone of this world, Salta, who is very powerful, by someone who travels through space and time and by one who is very close to you. If you fail, our world and many others like it will be plunged into great darkness and despair. If that is the case, then it is meant to be and it is no more a reflection on you than on me or Sansaa or Vinny, Anna Marie or Targent, or any of the people of the Shadowlands, Salta or the worlds beyond. You must do your best and that is all that is required of you. If your best is to go outside and sit on a rock for the next ten years, then you must go sit on that rock." Mojahdii smiled warmly and rubbed Blue on the shoulder then added,"I do want to give you one little bit of advice though. If you sense something unusual, such as seeing into someone else's mind, or feeling the change of weather, long before there is any sign of it, if it seems as though the animals, plants and trees, or you feel as though Salta herself is speaking to you, do not disregard a single element. You are Onjadiavaan and you are connected with 'All that is', perhaps more directly than any one of us has ever been. And Blue, enjoy the rush and let your light bring happiness to those around you."

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