
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chapter 17 Home is where you decide it is

"We can go home if you want to", Vinny said as he and Blue were kicking back in the tent without a care in the world. "I mean, you don't have to try to get the crystal back right away. Varst, they've been after it for centuries according to Sansaa," Vinny laughed hard, " then you come along and find it without even looking for it. Still, you've got other stuff to do, and the Shadowlands, Sansaa, that's all my idea. I mean, I'd understand if you don't want to hang around any longer."

"Things getting a little too serious with Sansaa for ya, are they Vinny, got you a little scared," Blue dove right in, where any other guy would have been wise to keep clear of. Vinny pulled himself forward in his lounge chair, preparing to rise, struggling internally, trying to find the right words and deciding how to handle the "scared" label. "Don't worry bro', you two are meant for each other. You're just having trouble dealing with the fact that you're gonna have to do it her way." Vinny gave Tommy a look that was half "deer in the headlights" and half "raging bull", which is hard to describe but unmistakable."Besides, I want to stay. Bastin' farbunkle Vinny, this place feels just as much like home as any other. Varst bro', I've got you, a nice place to stay," Blue gestures toward the spacious interior of the tent, and Anna Marie. I know I'm supposed to be Onjadiavaan but I'll tell you Vinny, it's Anna Marie who's truly magical."

"Vinny fell back into his lounge chair and let all of the awkwardness, pent-up emotions and swelling feelings within, puff out, exhaling like a whistle on an old-time steam locomotive, uttering a single word as he threw his hands up in the air,"Women!"

Tommy reached into a small cooler, which Sansaa had brought over to the tent when she delivered the most remarkable meal Blue could remember enjoying in years, to retrieve two ice cold beers which he held high in the air between himself and Vinny,"to Women!"

His timing did not go unappreciated and he and Vinny laughed for a solid hour at the unpredictability that was their past few days together. Blue thought about how close he had become to Vinny and Sansaa, Mojahdii and even Targent, but mostly Anna Marie. Despite the awareness that he had some sort of higher purpose to perform and that he was only a vehicle or messenger of sorts, an element of a more universal whole, he thought about just staying put, suspending any sort of quest for the crystal and spending the rest of his days on this world, with Anna Marie.

At that very moment a long convoy of large black automobiles arrived in the Shadowlands.

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