
an illustrated novel

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chapter 15 Bad Moon Rising Leer, Seeing Again is Believing

Leer knew that Victor was used to being called Mr. Alonso by all but a select few. The fact that goon number two felt it acceptable to address him by his first name meant that he recognized something different in Victor and, judging by the trashing he just received at Victor's hands, it wasn't weakness. Leer was perfectly fine with the idea of people recognizing that Victor was different, it would be only natural for him to have changed on some level. In fact, he was planning on leveraging the event in order to instigate change that he knew was possible. Stepping into the body of someone else in the middle of what could basically be labelled a drug war might normally cause one to want to hide, to blend in, to go along with whatever might be happening without drawing too much attention to one's self. However, Leer had no intention of blending in. He was not afraid of changing things in Victor's life. He planned on it. The moment he remembered tomorrow, he knew what he had to do today. He absolutely believed in change because he had already seen it for himself. His challenge was to foster that change without destroying that which was meant to remain the same. Leer continued getting little memory flashes throughout the rest of the day, each one bringing him closer to the truth, that he had less than a month to live. He was getting very excited. He couldn't wait to tell Blue that they were going to die again but Tommy and Victor didn't exactly hang together. That meant that he had his work cut out for him. Leer had experienced a very similar situation on Earth in 2064 when he was the Prime Minister of Amanada. He knew he was going to be assassinated by a Tea Party activist for allowing the entire population of the Maldives to enter the country with full citizenship after their entire country essentially disappeared into the ocean., claiming that her rights as an Amanadan were being taken away by the immigrants. She killed him by rubbing poison on her baby's cheeks, then, after clawing her way through a crowd of his supporters, held her little bundle of joy out to him for the obligatory political pucker. What was truly comical about that situation is that Leer, knowing that he had to die, had somehow managed to forget where the poison was going to be. His only wish was that he had lived long enough to see the video of himself spattering kisses all over the poor unsuspecting little assassin.

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