
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 16 Transformation - Special Delivery Drones

The subterranean escape route which Leer had planned worked brilliantly. Within minutes the team was reassembled in an underground garage stocked with bikes, decked out rides much like the VinnCycle. "Two to a bike, quick as you please, destination and route maps are already loaded into your navcom panels and we've got Aldo ready to talk us through individually as we get near enough for air to ground links with our drones, right Aldo?" Victor said as he instructed the team like an orchestra conductor, first pairing the men then pointing them to their bikes.

"Right Victor," Aldo confirmed so everyone could hear within their headsets." You're all going to see a red light flash on your navcom as you near your drone. Use the panel to navigate closer and when the light turns blue, I'll guide you through the rest. Feel free to listen in as I guide the others so I can keep repitition to a minimum. We've got six drones and three times as many teams, so we should be able to round them up quickly."

"Those of you who aren't driving, I don't want you tempted to jump on your phones and tell anybody about what's going on right now. Whoever was waiting, thinks we've been hit and is probably wondering who did it. I want the mystery to endure. Those of you who are driving, well, I don't have time to quote statistics, but using a phone while driving significantly increases the likelihood of an accident and we can't afford any losses."Victor pauses for a moment, as he stradles his ride he continues," Oh, and about Abe, for those who didn't know, he was planning on blowing us up, his boots were full of explosives. Someone set us up and I'm pretty sure I know who it was. We are going to deliver this shipment, but not today. Let's get to the drones and link up. After that, I will fill you in on the rest of my plan, now let's move out!"

Leer felt bad about driving the large knife through Abe's feet but knew that he had to do what Victor would have done. Actually, Victor probably would have just shot him in the head right away. Leer had a pretty good idea that Abe was dead by now, but at least he didn't have to pull the trigger. He wasn't really against the idea of killing people when he felt that his own life was in danger but in this case there was even greater reason to get rid of Abe. He sent the team a clear message that he would handle the business that needed to be handled and he was relying on them to be there for him when he needed it.

"How did you know?" Max asked Victor as she leaned in close against his back."Those sources again?"

"No, Max," Victor laughed, "I could just tell that Abe was an asshole and too stupid to do anything on his own."

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