
an illustrated novel

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal cont.7

Tommy touched the comm panel, bringing up a holographic model of the inside of the OmegaLux complex.

"Oh, this just keeps getting better and better Tommy! I get the feeling that I'm going to find out that you really did die and that by some odd coincidence, I died with you and this is heaven. If it is, so be it, Praise Farb and Hallelujah! I am going to savor this moment in heaven and the first thing I will do in heaven is to find that damn crystal!. I will hold it in my hands, unleashing whatever amazing power it may hold. I will be all merciful and understanding because I am now in heaven. I have no enemies, no one to protect or be protected from. I will forgive all who have wronged me and you including that bastard Z, that bastin' little prick, Victor, even that little bitch Max. Then, my dear brother, I'm going to find momma. I will throw my arms around her, give her a big kiss and ask her if we can go bake some of those delicious "Momma's Crack Cookies", you remember those, doncha? Varst, of course you do, it wasn't that long ago - Tommy?!?"

Blue felt like shit that he wasn't really Vinny's brother but there wasn't a thing he could do about that. "It's been too long and I hate to say it, but this isn't heaven," Tommy said softly and regretfully, " but we are going to get that crystal." Vinny smiled with understanding as Tommy continued, "Look here," he said as he pointed out a large duct work system dead ahead of the little craft. "We'll follow that system right fast level four and drop in mid-way on level five," he continued as he pointed out the spot on the holographic diagram. "With any luck that message you broadcast to the the other free source fighters during the fight in the arena will draw in some help. At least enough to distract the omies, Z and the rest of Omnifab long enough for us to gain some ground. This is where we are headed," Tommy indicated on the model, "This looks like the place where nearly every passage converges. Nothing appears to be there. Either everything goes out from there, or comes in from there and I aim to find out which." Just as Tommy finished saying these words, a large warbird, nearly the size of Z's emerged from another shaft and hovered between the small craft and the vent they were headed for.

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