
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter 8Quest for the OmegaLux Crystal cont.6

As Z celebrated, Vinny's entire craft shook, even in his position behind the pods with the sound of Tommy's exploding craft still ringing in his ears. The sound that went unnoticed was more of a "Pop" as his own fighter shook slightly as if it had been hit from above. Instinctively, Vinny looked upward toward the bump and there he saw Tommy with a finger to his lips. He acted out Vinny's next move, his right hand representing Vinny's fighter, his left the giant warbird. Tommy gave Vinny a communication headset just like the one he was wearing.

Suddenly Z's voice broke the silence,"I'm coming for you now Vinny," he teased.

"No, Z, I'm coming for you," Vinny responded as his ship cruised out from behind the pods, arching upwards in a tight barrel roll toward the megafighter, phazers blasting, This one's for Tom...," before Vinny could finish his dedication, his fighter was blasted from the air, quickly and decisively by Z's awesome warbird. The omie crowd burst into cheers of "Game Over, Game Over, Game Over". One of the omies on the warbird bridge turned to his captain, "Commander Z, won't the Levitos just tell their friends that you're a commander with OmegaLux now that you have eliminated them from the game?"

"Of course they will. However, that is of no significance. You see, I know all of the access codes as well as the usernames, passwords, Gear Point totals, frequencies even the favorite maneuvers of Vinny Levito's little group of free source fighters," Z bragged. "They'd have to start all over, and guys like that never do. i just wish i didn't have to blow up that little fighter that Tommy managed to slip into the game. That thing had some nice features, especially the gyro rings. I'll have a talk with the boys in development, they never should have let that one in, still they can probably grab the code, so all is not lost. I'm going to mount a few of those handy little projector devices on this baby before the next time we head out. But enough about that, all of you have earned a health 100 credit as well as a plus life 3 bonus from tonight's little festivities. I'd say it's time for a cold one."

From within the safety of their secret craft, Tommy and Vinny could still hear Z. He was so sure he had wasted the two of them that he never bothered to disengage from Tommy's frequency. Z's gloating was so nauseating to Tommy that he placed his fingers down his throat like he was going to vomit as he turned the communication system off ensuring that he and Vinny would no longer have to endure Z or the continued cries of "Game Over" from the omie crowd as they revelled in the kill. Tommy and Vinny drifted out of the arena in the small craft that Tommy had released earlier. His plan had worked. Z was so pleased with himself when he disintegrated the camera unit that he convinced himself that Tommy was without any means of diversion or deception. Z never even noticed the small craft which floated harmlessly by during the battle. It resembled the worker robots which drift regularly around the OmegaLux complex. On its side it had the words Keep it Clean, bookended by the Farb Sees logo. it was shaped like the love child of a New York City dumpster and a late 1960's model of a VW bus, but smaller. Though tiny, it sat two comfortably and more importantly, it flew extremely well. Completely loaded with four phazer banks, two rocket launchers and a Quar X module, it was every free source fighter pilot's dream. Particularly when you factor in the finest point of all. It was on it's way to level 4, completely undetected by anyone or anything in the complex.

This was the exact thought which crossed Vinny's mind as he beamed with pride,"Z just got himself T-Boned!"

Tommy grinned equally wide as he responded in a hushed but clearly excited voice, "and I would say that the game is FAR from OVER!"

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