
an illustrated novel

Monday, February 6, 2012

Chapter 22 - Kool Been, or How Blue Met Farb Soon

Kevin doesn't live like most of the rock stars on the Phantasy label. He has a nice home, not a mansion, a nice studio, grand piano and ample sustenance with the working knowledge of a trained chef right there in his own hands. He answers his own door, but rarely answers his own door. Kevin should have been Sol, Solitude, should have had a cool name like Perfect, Sal's top grossing artist of all time, that would have been Kool. Kev used to be Kool. A name Sal suddenly put on everything for a relatively short period of time before Kevin got the larangitis.

Kevin just goes by Kevin.

"Barry?!", he said as he extended his hand to Blue, looking through Stan who had stepped aside for Sal who was downright invisible compared to Blue. Kevin looked really happy to see Blue/Barry.

"No, Blue."   "Kevin?" Blue responded.

"Damn, Yes, I mean, Varst, you look just like my brother Barry, man. C'mon in." Kevin turned back toward his own door and headed in saying hello to Sal and Stan with little or no interest. As they entered the living room, Kevin turned toward Leer, "Excuse me. Kevin," he said as he held his hand toward Leer. The men shook hands. "Sit, please, can I get..."

"Kevin," Sal interupted, "These gentlemen have just arrived and were wondering if you might do them a favor", Sal sad smugly as he adressed Kevin as if to say he actually had anything to do with these two men.

"What do you want?" Kevin asked bluntly yet respectfully.

Blue answered plainly. "We want to meet Farb."

"Ha!" You ARE Barry!" Kevin laughed to himself with a laugh that goes something like the springing forth of the bubbling crude, just a little at first with sudden flare-ups, then slightly louder slighly less suppressable bursts until, gushing. Until, nothing but silence..

All of the men sat or stood looking at one another while Kevin tried to determine just how real this situation was. He weighed the look which passed between Sal and Blue, Sal clearly taking the back seat while trying to pass off a disinterested chuckle into the back of his hand. Stan simply sat smiling at Kevin. Leer read the spines of Kevin's books to himself with great interest.

Then Blue stood up.

"I am very pleased to have met you, Kevin" Blue said in earnest, "I am sorry to bardge in then leave so abruptly."

Kevin looked disappointed because he felt disappointed. He said nothing.

"But that's okay because I am not leaving. Stan, thank you for the ride. Sal, I will see you again" Blue said as he moved toward Sal. Stan took his cue well and moved across the room toward the front door. Sal made no motion to get up. Blue leaned over the couch and placed a hand on Sal's shoulder. With the same steady movement of his normal gait he continued walking. As he did, Sal was lifted, seemingly effortlessly from the couch. Sal's eyes widened, his tiny hairs tensed, his sweat started sweating and he found himself walking. Inaudible drivel dribbled off of his tongue to the effect of "okay bye" but it was clear that he had already checked out. This had been an exceptionally bad day for Sal. He was ready to go home.

The moment the door closed all three men burst out laughing, each for his own reasons. Kevin felt that he had that laugh coming for a very long time. He was laughing right through the memories he wished he could have forgotten. Memories like the one limo ride from Varst when Sal decided that it would be fun to sing one of Kevin's songs back to him. Most people hate the sound of the drill at the dentist's office. Kevin had always hated it more than most. The sound of Sal singing his own song back to him was like the sound of that drill being forced from the lips of a gigantic ass-face. It takes a large laugh to laugh through that. Leer was laughing because the last time he saw Blue they were in the bodies of arch rivals and couldn't let on that they knew each other and now, Blue had unlocked his power and they were telling the guy who owned RatTown what to do. Blue was laughing because he was nervous as hell that he was actually going to meet Farb and laughing at Sal was just so rewarding!

"Blue, I don't know how you did it but I'm sure someone else will," Kevin started after the laugh subsided," and I am fairly certain I can get you all together."

Blue didn't want to let Kevin know everything that was going on but he sensed that Kevin would be one of the guys that he actually could tell. For now, Blue needed some information from Kevin and judging by some of the objects within Blue's view, it wasn't a great leap for Blue to suggest a drink. Nor was Blue suggesting that Kevin get him a drink. Reaching alongside the couch onto which he had laughed himself, Blue pulled out a grocer's bag which neatly held a bottle of whiskey and an ice cold twelve-pack. With little prompting, Kevin had laid out the appropriate glassware and the men began to talk.

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