
an illustrated novel

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 22 - How Blue met Farb cont.

"Farb!," I mean it man, Kevin looked at Blue and Leer with the look that says "You probably think I'm full of it or too plastered to know what I'm talking about but the next thing I'm about to say is honest to Farb truth!"... and it was. The men had been talking for awhile when Kevin stood up... "Farb himself, standing backstage waiting for me!" Kevin went on, "I nearly pissed myself right there, Varst, I was one of the non-believers. There's no such thing as Farb, he's just a construct of our collective imagination, or worse, he's a method by which the Council of Seven can manipulate everything, I'd say everything but,'I believe in Farb', but sure enough, there he was." Kevin dropped his eyes to the floor then brought them back up to meet Blue's. "Why do you want to meet Farb?"

"He needs my help", Blue stated with the casual significance of someone mentioning  that a plant needs watering or a pet dish needs filling, not the kind of significance Kevin expected when referring to anything dealing with Farb. Kevin had met him. He had never believed in him until he met him. Seeing is believing fit Kevin's take on Farb perfectly. Farb was indeed a supreme being. In the short time that Kevin spent with Farb, he witnessed miracles. He personally traveled to the far side of A12, practically the other side of the planet in minutes. Minutes which showed him amazing things. Things he had learned about and those of which he had no knowledge played out before him like a holographic projection, peppered with intense bursts of pitch black and blinding light, slicing through like a ninja horizon.

He laughed at Blue mercilessly. "You, He?! HA!, He-HA!" at this point, Kevin was just plain messing with Blue. "Sorry, man, but Farb is like, the shit man! He can do anything, what makes you think YOU can help HIM?!" Kevin begged.

Blue stood up. Kevin instantly felt nervous. Blue stood up like he was going to do something then he nodded toward Leer as he casually saluted. Leer reached into his own shirt pocket and withdrew a small bottle. Kevin's eyes lit upon the glass, its shimmering liquid calling to him from within its crystal prism, prison,"perfect! JUICE!".

Kevin liked it when people brought JumpJuice to his house, provided they were the type of people he wanted to Juice with. He assumed that Blue and Leer wanted to Juice and that was all, but...

"Kevin," Blue said as he sprayed the juice directly at Kevin who breathed it in like drinking,"you can have all of this Juice and more if you introduce me to Farb". Kevin's smile of intoxication widened into a grin with a carriage house.

Kevin knew things now that he didn't know then and one of them was happening now. He was in the presence of a higher presence and it wasn't just the JumpJuice talkin'. At that moment, Kevin felt no guilt, no shame, no remorse and no dissatisfaction. He felt at peace, he said, "Yeah man, I'll take you to Farb, Bastin' Right!, I'll take you to Farb!"

Blue drank in a long plug from the Juice, even though he didn't need it. Blue tossed the Juice to Leer and he hit it twice. Farb needed help , "but Damn, that's some fuckin' good shit!"



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