
an illustrated novel

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chapter 3, Odd Jobs (cont) 3

Blue wondered about that flower daily for the next couple of weeks. He was sure it meant that what seemed like a horrible nightmare had actually happened which threw his mind into a spin about the reality of Glurp, Walter and Mr.Nut but he had no intention of taking a trip down "Nightmare Memory Lane." It did make him consider however that there was more to his reality than met the eye, particularly the wakeful eye. The painting, "Defending Champ" did for Blue what the works that dealt with Glurp, Walter and Mr. Nut had done earlier in his life. It relieved his mind, made him feel better about his nightmares and eased his fears. Drawing and painting in general was very therapeutic for Blue and he remained active artistically despite a reluctance to submit his work to galleries for consideration. He had a hard time with the whole process of the "art world" and the steps he would have to go through to display his work, sign with an agent or gallery or both, in his mind "package himself for sale".

Instead he came up with a brilliant idea. He would create artwork where he could be entirely expressive, creative and distinctive, unchained to any one style, free to explore his own unique vision AND be able to sell his work for lots of money, gain adoring fans and live in luxury. Blue decided to illustrate comic books.

Before Blue came to the realization that this idea of his was seriously flawed on a variety of levels, while he was fully enthusiastic, hopeful and committed, he managed to convince his friend, John Tanner, to write the story. The two of them worked tirelessly, generating ideas, sketching out concepts, developing characters and trying different artistic approaches. Ultimately, they created "Leer". The comic grew from a single issue to a graphic novel, or at least it was supposed to, it just never did. However, nothing worth doing should ever be left undone.

"So after over twenty years I'm going to finish "Leer"," Blue said to himself as he stepped among the pages he penned so long ago. "I have to find them all but where on Earth did I put them?" he asked himself as he dumped out boxes of notebooks, sketchpads, receipts, bills, unpaid traffic violations, unopened wedding and graduation invitations, REAL comic books and pornography.
Pornography? "where the hell did that come from", Blue inquired of his own memory because it was true. Blue never did buy any pornography. It wasn't because he didn't like to look at naked women. He really liked looking at naked women, actually, and that's what he spent the next twenty minutes doing, thoroughly forgetting about the fact that he was trying to organize all of the "Leer" drawings into one place. After he finally got finished jerking himself around and got back down to re-establishing his priorities, Blue finally found the original "cover" image for "Leer".

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