
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blue an Illustrated Novel Chapter 1

"Blue!"the doctor said, horrified,"Utterly and completely,blue! Like midnight. I haven't spanked a baby in years, but hell!" Sam Morgan wasn't usually one to panic but he smacked that baby's ass as hard as he could, as much out of fear as anything else. He was completely freaked out at the sight of it. The nurses stood around with linoleum burns on their chins while Sam uselessly speedbagged the lifeless newborn like a heavyweight champ afraid of losing his edge.

He turned and thrust the lifeless form into the arms of a nurse too slow to back away as the others did, terrified that they might be given the unseemly task of disposing of the corpse. "Run", Sam directed, "NOW, he added with urgency as he pulled his 4G from his pocket, too committed to trust any hospital technology to get the bodies he needed assembled in Emergency. The nurse responded quickly, a cute young woman who made the uniform look like it was a costume from a fantasy shop, altogether far too hot for prime time while being absolutely decent in every way. If Sam wasn't busy trying to get the first breath out of this tiny little baby he would have offered to share his last with Nurse Neitzel. "Hurry," he urged her once again as they rounded the corner at the end of the hall. A passing gurnee split the caregivers in two, blocking the doctor behind as Nurse Neitzel continued around the corner bumping directly into a thin, quiet, deeply-wrinkled, African man in colored dress, accidentally pressing the baby between herself and the old man.

The old man looks at the baby, then into the nurses eyes which bespeak the newborn's condition. He places his hand upon the baby, looking kindly at the nurse who pauses. With his other hand he gently strokes the hand of the woman who lies still upon the gurnee. She looks up at him from eyes that have not opened in days and smiles. As she does, the man falls to the floor, nearly tripping Nurse Neitzel. He is dead. So is the old woman. The nurse regains her balance, Dr. Morgan shouts, "we have to keep going!", then instructs the other nurse who is pushing the gurnee to attend to the fallen man. Nurse Neitzels' eyes finally move to the baby who is now awake, alive and smiling up at her.

The baby is named Blue.

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