
an illustrated novel

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chapter 22 The Kinks...cont.1 To Meet Farb

Blue decided that it was most important to meet Farb, if Farb was meetable. The seven figures dressed in white, Blue's brush with them was far too brief to get any understanding from, they may be a conduit to Farb or a barrier. Sal Lorenzo, on the other hand was just a tax on the price of meeting Farb. Sal Lorenzo knew people who knew people before anyone knew who knew who.

Tommy Levito knew all about Sal. Victor Alonzo knew even more. Blue no longer had to be Tommy, he could be himself. He could be anything or anyone. As deeply as he felt this, Blue still wanted to let Leer know what he was up to, as much to keep Leer alive as anything else. The only question in Blue's mind was how best to reach Leer. Victor Alonso wasn't someone you just looked up in the phone book and social networking didn't hold quite the same appeal for organized crime bosses as the common worker drone, housewife or kid. Even with the popularity of myPads and myPhones, Blue figured he'd better just visit Leer personally.

"Looks as though someone needs a place to stretch out" Blue said as he backed into the room wheeling a stretcher bed behind him.

"Oh, thank you," said Dr.Kirby and the two men picked up Lorenzo and plopped him onto the stretcher.

"Dan Phelps, Phelps Pharmeceuticals, looks like Mr. Lorenzo here will be out for an hour or two, Dr. Kirby," Blue said as he patted Kirby on the shoulder.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Phelps, he was getting a little excited, I was afraid, he'd, we'll..."

Blue kept his hand upon Kirby's shoulder, reassuring him that he had no interest in evaluating the doctor's actions, "I'm sure everyone will feel better soon". He pushed the gurney over to the wall then gestured toward the door. "You know doctor," Blue continued, "I have recently returned from travel abroad and am hoping to make strong connections on behalf of the family business, would it be possible for you and I to get together for lunch, say, next week sometime?"

Kirby was more than happy to put the scene in the room behind him and gratefully accepted the invitation asking one of the receptionists to make a note of the date after determining that his entire Tuesday was somehow miraculously clear of appointments or obligations of any kind.
Kirby bid farewell and carried on with his rounds. After Kirby entered the room of another patient, Blue headed back down the hall to the room in which His friend Leer, still stuck in Victor's body, suffered with wounds he had ordered upon himself in order to ally any suspicions
Sal Lorenzo might have about the disappearing shipment.

Blue entered the room with the plastic smile of an insurance salesman,"the doctor asked me to take Mr. Lorenzo to another room", he said as he looked to see if any of the men were awake. Both Victor and Samuel were looking directly at him. Leer recognized Blue the first time he showed up in the room but now had the clear understanding that he and Blue had to talk, and it had to be soon. Leer made it easy on Blue.

"Samuel, this is Blue, he's with us". Leer said with an eye on Sal."Blue, Samuel," The two men shook hands. "Blue here is the best confidence man I have ever worked with, Samuel, don't trust him" The three of them began to laugh until Samuel's laughter was replaced by the kind of coughing one gets with internal bleeding. Blue hit the nurses call button and put a hand on Samuel's shoulder, he immediately stopped coughing and just as immediately fell asleep.

"Powers?" Leer asked Blue.

"Lots of 'em"' Blue replied.

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