
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chapter 5 What to KeepLeer

"Travelling blind, just like Leer," Blue thought to himself. "Can't tell if I'm remembering or inventing at this point but I guess it doesn't matter much. After all, Leer is just a fictional character. John didn't really give me enought ot go on except I know that Leer's arrival in New York is something of a homecoming. Guess we'll see what happens as we stumble through the dark together."

Blue decides to keep searching his studio for lost pages of text even while he realizes that twenty years can bury even the best of things pretty deep. "The suitcase, if only I could find that old, brown, buckled suitcase. I kept everything in there, that and the travel bag. Never should have switched to boxes. Oh well, Welcome Home, Leer, let's see if we can figure out why you're here!"

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