
an illustrated novel

Friday, July 16, 2010

Chapter 5 What to Keep More to KeepMore Mystery2

"What's that kid doing running around in a superhero costume, in a church. in the first place," Blue wondered to himself as he sorted through the colored pages, drawn on maps. "And what's up with Edgar Van, for crying out loud. Is he some sort of superhero himself," Blue moans to himself, his mind grasping pointlessly at the threadbare undergarments of his own memory. "I created this scene", he recalls. "John wrote most of that other stuff, but I put these kids in here, but why?" He shut his eyes and pressed his fingers so tightly against his own eyeballs that he could feel the backs of them bumping into something that Blue hoped was the part of his brain that controlled memory. He was pretty sure it wasn't and was busy telling himself that he knew better than that when he remembered...

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