
an illustrated novel

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chapter 21

Blue sat at the top of the mountain until well past sunset. He thought about many things, reliving the events of the past few days, trying to understand how each occurrence was related to another, hoping to weave a sensible fabric of truth in which to wrap himself both for protection and reassurance. He had left Earth less than a month before but it seemed like years to him now, leaving behind a society that he had never really fully felt connected with, a humanity which at best, was evolving and developing and at worst killing itself and its home in a blind hunger for more, bigger, faster. He had come to a world, just as developed, technologically, if not more so, yet riddled with the same issues of inequality, violence and greed.

Blue walked to the edge of a large outcropping and threw himself over the side, free-falling, feeling the wind rush past him, watching the river rise to greet him with impossible speed as he ripped into the water sending a liquid plume thirty feet into the air. Blue darted his way to the bottom of the deep blue river, zipping past curios undersea life, then just as quickly, he shot up out of the water. He rose higher and higher into the sky until he reached a place where he hovered and thought about his next move. How he could easily create for himself  a great garden, high walls and an elaborate labyrinthine entrance, a fortress of solitude, just like Superman.

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